The Power of Three
Proud to Teach 2025: The Power of Three is the third edition of a unique conference that brings together language teachers, methodologists, university lecturers and language industry leaders.
This year, under the theme Triple Your Teaching Power, we invite you to discover the power of three paths: methodical, business and academic.
The conference will be held on March 22-23, 2025 at the modern Sound Garden Hotel in Warsaw, Poland.
You gain practical tools for your work
We believe that conferences can impart practical knowledge and ready-to-use ideas for your school!
You meet people and exchange experiences
You develop and gain new competencies
Events are created by people, and we love to invite the most interesting ones! Stop by to meet them!
Find your direction and develop your interests to become a better professional every day.
You learn about trends in education and management
You enjoy the power of a positive atmosphere and the joy of learning
You become part of an educational change
We are always looking ahead and want to be on the front lines of change. You can find yourself there with us!
The conference is a time of joy and celebrating successes together. Join us and watch the smile appear on your face!
We support schools in becoming forward-thinking and sustainable places. Find out how to become one of them.
At National Geographic Learning, we believe that education plays a key role in building a better world. That’s why Proud to Teach 2025: The Power of Three is not just a conference about modern teaching but also a platform to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in language education. We aim to support schools and educators in implementing these ideas in their institutions and language courses—helping them integrate global issues into teaching, develop critical thinking, and prepare students for the challenges of the future. Join us and discover how language can be a tool for change!
Proud to Teach 2024: a journey we take together was the first conference under the new formula and.... immediately very successful!
100 participants, 2 amazing development paths, the first networking workshop....
This year, however, we decided to go even further! Check out what surprises we have prepared this year!
Three development paths. Three formats of the event.
The Third Edition.
The Power of Three is the theme of this year's conference for language schools, highlighting the harmony and versatility of language teaching.
Discover how the power of the number three influences the building of innovative teaching methods, the development of educational institutions and the strengthening of academic skills.
Get inspired by modern approaches to teaching. Learn innovative methods for working with students, mainly from Young Learners and Teens, and practical ways to integrate global topics in English language teaching. The track is substantively supervised by #teamNGL methodologist Ola Marchwian. Break the routine and take your lessons to a new level.
Discover new possibilities in teaching English to Students and Adults. Listen to practitioners, exchange experiences and inspire further development. The track is content-led by Ola Marchwian, #teamNGL methodologist, and Adrian Chróstowski, Key Account Manager responsible for universities in Poland.
Develop your management and marketing skills. Learn how to effectively manage a language school, build relationships with customers and innovate to attract new students. The track is facilitated by Karolina Kępska, Marketing Manager of National Geographic Learning Polska. Strengthen your position in the market.
You are cordially invited to the methodological path, where together we will discover modern approaches to working, mainly with Young Learners and Teens groups. Inspiring methods await you that will transform your lessons and help you introduce global themes into your classes. It will be active and practical. Join to break the routine and take your teaching to a new level!
Monika Bigaj-Kisała
Educational innovator
That Is Evil
Designing Tomorrow: The Power of STEAM in Project-Based Learning
Magdalena Zawadzka
Owner at Dragonfly English
Proud User of NGL
How to create lessons that students will remember for a long time with the help of neurodidactics?
Education and innovation expert, author, trainer and facilitator of Design Thinking. Monika is an English philologist with many years of experience in the private education sector, currently working with publishers and schools as an author of teaching materials and consultant.
Monika specializes in creative problem solving, supporting teachers in their development and introducing modern teaching methods such as STEAM and project-based approaches to lessons. Her motto - "Every lesson is a story worth telling. Every story is a lesson worth learning from" - accompanies her both in her work and on her website
Prepare your students for the future with STEAM! Discover how to integrate project-based learning with Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths. Leave with ready-to-use activities and the confidence to turn your students into problem-solvers, innovators, and global thinkers-all while boosting their language skills.
Barbara Kulesza-Gulczyńska
Szkoła Językowa Papuga
Proud User of NGL
Ola Marchwian
Metodyk #teamNGL
National Geographic Learning Poland
How to Shape Students' Future Success: The Secret Ingredients
You'll learn how to invite characters from broad pop cultureinto your classes with young learners and teens, how to prove to teens that you have a good understanding that English isn't just for filling in gap tasks and looking for a job abroad, and how to teach yourself something new in your lessons every day. You'll learn engaging ways to incorporate popular cultural texts both in practicing all language skills and in building interesting teaching materials, all in a climate of NGL-esque openness to exploring the world.
How (and why) to learn phonetics from Harry Potter, or pop culture in the language classroom
What if the secret to preparing students for the challenges of tomorrow was hidden in plain sight? In this session, we'll uncover the secret ingredients of future-ready learners-essential skills and literacies that help students think critically, navigate complexity, and thrive in a rapidly changing world. From textual and visual literacy to media, social, and global literacies, we'll explore how these diverse competencies equip students to engage meaningfully with the world they're about to enter.
This practical and idea-packed talk will provide you with ready-to-use strategies and insights for integrating multiple literacies into your teaching. Discover how to design lessons that inspire creativity, foster critical thinking, and prepare students to lead, innovate, and make a positive impact.
Małgorzata Mazur
Teacher and Methodologist at Anglostrefa & Liberty Schools
Proud User of NGL
Not-So-Scary Exams: How to Prepare Students for Language Tests Effectively and Stress-Free?
For the first time, we invite you to an innovative track dedicated to teaching adults and students, designed to respond to real needs in working with these groups. Together with Ola Marchwian and Adrian Chróstowski, you will discover cutting-edge methods that support the engagement and effectiveness of English language learning. Join to develop your competence and inspire others!
Barbara Kulesza-Gulczyńska
Parrot Language School
Proud User of NGL
Paulina Dolęga
Swietokrzyska University of Technology
John Hughes
National Geographic Learning
Creating Pathways between English and Employablility
Many young adult learners at high school and university age will define their 'future success' in terms of employability and professional achievement. As English language teachers we are well placed to support their ambitions. Despite this, we still hear from employers that students leaving school and university are often not ready for the world of work. So how can we integrate employability skills development alongside language learning and academic skills in our lessons? In this presentation, we'll define what we mean by 'employability skills' and consider a practical approach to making them accessible to students.
Teaching foreign languages to young adults brings numerous challenges, from shorter attention spans to the need for relevant, up-to-date lessons. This talk will focus on practical, down-to-earth methods to engage, motivate, and support young adults in the classroom. With the help of neurodidactics, cognitive and behavioral sciences, and little-to-no preparation required, we'll explore ways to make learning both effective and meaningful.
When I Was Your Age... - How to Engage, Motivate, and Support Young Adults in Language Learning
Magdalena Gałaj
Language Center of the Technical University of Lodz
Glenn Standish
International House Torun
Proud User of NGL
Keeping it Real: Teaching useful idioms and getting rid of the old ones
How to turn language learning into an adventure? Practical ideas for adult educators
Coursebooks are full of idioms and Polish students love them! However, the problem is there are so many of them and most coursebooks teach idioms which are so outdated that when it comes to using idioms, students simply sound trite and old-fashioned. In this session, we will look at useful idioms to teach your students and help separate the old from the new. We will also look at a variety of fun ways to practice them in class.
During the workshop, I will share ideas on how to transform traditional teaching methods into engaging and inspiring experiences. Together we will focus on three key aspects: effective use of practice, theory, and inspiration to stimulate the curiosity and passion of adult learners. Through interactive exercises and discussions, we will develop concrete ideas that you can easily implement in your classes. Get ready for a journey that will strengthen your pedagogical skills and allow you to rediscover the magic of teaching!
Marta Nowak
Ambasadorka NGL- Angielski na Uczelniach
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Break the Rules, Change the Game – Critical Pragmatic EAP and NGL
Marta Nowak prowadzi zajęcia Academic Writing na studiach anglojęzycznych na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim oraz koordynuje kursy English for Academic Purposes (EAP) na Uniwersytecie Durham. Laureatka Nagrody Dydaktycznej Rektora UW 2023 za innowacyjne metody nauczania. Trenerka, coach oraz egzaminatorka IELTS i Cambridge.
Absolwentka Filologii Angielskiej UAM, ukończyła Cambridge CELTA, Delta oraz studia podyplomowe z coachingu na Akademii Koźmińskiego. Związana z nauczaniem języka angielskiego i umiejętności akademickich od 2003 roku.
Czy powinniśmy uczyć studentów dostosowywania się do norm akademickich, czy raczej ich kwestionowania? Ile ‘akademickości’ w English for Academic Purposes powinno się znaleźć na zajęciach? Jakich zasad się trzymać ucząc EAP? A co się stanie, jeśli zmienimy znane nam reguły gry?
Opowiem o tym w jaki sposób krytycznie (ale z głową) podejść do nauczania English for Academic Purposes i podzielę się praktycznymi pomysłami na wspieranie studentów w rozwijaniu umiejętności akademickich.
You are invited to the business track, during which we will discover effective management and marketing strategies in language education. You will learn how to build relationships with clients and colleagues, attract new students and innovate to set you apart in the market. Together, we'll talk about school branding and look for ways to avoid business pitfalls. Join to strengthen your position in the market and grow your school successfully!
Anna Ledwoń-Blacha
Creative Owner at
More Bananas
How to communicate your brand values to attract customers and build a competitive advantage?
Olga Wilczynska
How to build an effective contact acquisition and telephone sales system at a language school in 3 steps?
Anna Ledwoń-Blacha is Co-founder & Creative Director at More Bananas agency and the main organizer of CRASH Mondays. An expert in marketing strategies, social media and digital marketing, with 14 years of experience. Author of the books "Strategic Approach to Social Media Operations" and "Build the Future of Your Brand. Brand purpose step by step". TEDx speaker and certified DIMAQ PROFESSIONAL, she has been conducting trainings and workshops for more than 7 years, where she has spent more than 4,000 hours, working with brands such as Pandora, Akamai, InPost and Capgemini.
Fascinated by the psychological approach to marketing and the use of artificial intelligence, she implements generative AI solutions in her clients' communication activities. She lectures at universities such as AGH, WSB and Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa, is an ambassador of Małopolska Innovation Festival and co-creator of e-learning courses. Passionate about customer experience, emotions in communication and new media.
Zofia Jakubczynska
Value +
Leadership and team building expert
How to build teamwork in a language school?
Sandra Martynów
Studio "Dla Ciebie"
Financial Expert
How to Price Your Services to Profit from Running a Language School?
My name is Zofia Jakubczynska, for seventeen years I have been supporting leaders in leadership development and building effective teams. I am the author of books on teamwork, in which I share practical knowledge combined with the latest know-how. I work in the stream of empathy-based leadership. My clients are organizations that rely on people and their potential
During the lecture you will learn:
- How do your motivators affect the team you are building?
- How to build teamwork taking into account the specifics of a language school (non-exclusive teachers, geographic dispersion, remote work, etc.)?
- How to integrate a distributed team using a needs-based approach?
- How to use RMP® diagnosis as a tool for integrating a distributed team. Case study.
- If not a survey, then what? How to identify team needs with a team to better collaborate?
Sandra Martynów – dyrektor zarządzająca i trener w Pracownia Rozwoju Osobistego „Dla Ciebie”. Trener biznesu i świadomości finansowej. Praktyk planowania finansowego. Prowadzi warsztaty z budzenia i rozwijania „genu” przedsiębiorczości, optymalizacji procesów, komunikacji i rozwijania zespołów. Współpracuje cyklicznie z sektorem szkół językowych a jej klientami są m. innymi Szkoła Języków Obcych FUTURE z Gorzowa, Oxford Academy z Olsztyna czy Szkoła Językowa Papuga z Poznania.
Autorka programów szkoleniowych „Akademia finansów małego przedsiębiorstwa” oraz „Trampolina do Twego sukcesu finansowego”. Z tematyki tej przeszkoliła około 7 tys.osób.
Jako niezależny konsultant udziela konsultacji z zakresu budżetu osobistego dla klientów LYRA POLSKA – wiodącego na polskim rynku dostawcy Programu Wsparcia Pracowników.
Autorka i współautorka kilku książek – w tym : „Niezbędnik Finansowy. Jak dogadać się z pieniędzmi i żyć z nimi w zgodzie”.
Umiejętność wyceniania swojej pracy daje wiele korzyści. Są to między innymi:
- optymalizacja wynagrodzenia – czyli wycenianie pracy w taki sposób, który uwzględnia Twoje umiejętności, doświadczenie oraz koszty prowadzenia działalności, co pomoże Ci zwiększyć dochody;
- efektywne zarządzanie – czyli umiejętność uwzględniania wszystkich kosztów związanych z Twoją działalnością a to pomoże Ci lepiej kontrolować budżet i zwiększyć rentowność;
- długoterminowy rozwój – opanowanie tej umiejętności pozwoli Ci dostosować ceny do zmieniających się warunków rynkowych, co ma pozytywny wpływ na rozwój Twojej firmy.
Kolejne korzyści można mnożyć bez końca, a rozmowy i współpraca z właścicielami szkół językowych pokazują jak wiele w tej tematyce ciągle jest do zrobienia oraz z jak dużym często obciążeniem mentalnym wiąże się proces wyceniania. Po głowie bez końca kręcą się pytania typu „a ile ma to być „, „a co jak to za dużo” czy „jak ja mam to powiedzieć”.
Te wątpliwości są jak najbardziej naturalne. Równolegle jednak do tego masz prawo godziwie zarabiać na swojej pracy, a pierwszym krokiem by tego dokonać jest właściwe wycenianie swojej pracy.
Zapraszam – bo to ważne by wyceniać lepiej niż jakoś!
Katarzyna Borowiec
Mint. Virtual Support Agency
How to Efficiently Manage a Language School Office Using Task Management Tools?
Swoją przygodę z branżą edukacyjną rozpoczęłam w 2005 roku. Zaczynałam od stażu w szkole językowej, by po kilku latach zostać managerem oddziału. Po pewnym czasie zdecydowałam się na zmianę ścieżki zawodowej, by zdobyć nowe doświadczenia administracyjne i managerskie w innych sektorach, które teraz z powodzeniem wykorzystuję w pracy ze szkołami językowymi.
Od kilku lat prowadzę swoją agencję Wirtualnych Asystentek, która specjalizuje się w obsłudze szkół językowych. Na co dzień koordynuję działania zespołu – prowadzimy zdalne sekretariaty, zajmujemy się rekrutacją, organizacją wydarzeń oraz telefoniczną i mailową obsługą klienta. Wierzę, że współpraca, budowanie relacji i dzielenie się doświadczeniami to fundamenty sukcesu.
Moją misją jest podnoszenie jakości usług edukacyjnych oraz wspieranie szkół w dostosowywaniu się do dynamicznych wyzwań współczesnego świata. Uwielbiam inspirować innych do działania i tworzyć przestrzeń sprzyjającą wymianie doświadczeń.
Podczas wydarzenia opowiem o tym, jak skutecznie prowadzić sekretariat korzystając z aplikacji do zarządzania zadaniami oraz podzielę się sprawdzonymi rozwiązaniami, które pomagają planować zadania na cały rok szkolny, a także ułatwiają komunikację z obecnymi i przyszłymi uczniami.
Ready for an exciting workshop sprint? Join us for dynamic sessions where you’ll choose one of four intensive 30-minute workshops! Social media, modern teaching methods, building a school vision, and creative strategies in education – everything you need to work more effectively and with passion. Gain inspiration, practical tips, and a boost of positive energy. It’s going to be intense, diverse, and highly motivating!
Paulina Boruc-Bartkiewicz
Sherlock Foreign Language Center
Proud User of NGL
Joanna Gruszczynska
Pear Language Center
Proud User of NGL
Speaking Starts with an Image:
How Visual Techniques Support Both Students and Teachers?
Authentic reels, or how to get customers' attention on instagram?
Karolina Kepska
Marketing Manager
Basia Dudziak-Czajkowska
Alter Language School
Proud User of NGL
Creating visual future of language education - get crafty with me!
Hire, Inspire, Make It Work!
Native Speaker on board - what's next?
Join us for a workshop Sunday full of inspiration and networking! On this special day we have prepared something for both lecturers and language school owners. Let's spend a few hours together, learning from each other, discovering the most interesting educational solutions and putting them into practice. This is a great opportunity to combine learning with the exchange of experiences among passionate educationists.
John Hughes
A practical workshop: Convergent and Divergent Thinking in the ELT Classroom
Karolina Kepska
Three Steps to Better Management: a networking simulation game for language school managers
Ola Marchwian
Three steps to better lesson design: a workshop on creating great NGL lessons
Check the detailed schedule of sessions and workshops. Choose your path or mix them freely to create your own agenda filled with skills that will soon be yours!
Bring your friends and explore together the vast amount of knowledge and inspiration that our speakers will share!
Attention! While we do not anticipate any changes, the agenda may be subject to slight modifications.
Saturday's conference day will conclude with the Proud Users of NGL Gala. In festive attire, with a glass of champagne in hand, we will celebrate successes, award schools and go wild on the dance floor together!
During the gala we will also reward the "School for a Sustainable Future" winners, rewarding establishments that set new standards in education and inspire with their activities.
The event will be held at the prestigious Sound Garden Hotel in Warsaw, known for its modern approach to event organization and unique atmosphere. The hotel has comfortable conference rooms equipped with modern equipment, and green surroundings, which encourages creativity and relaxation.
The excellent location, comfortable interiors and superb cuisine make it the perfect place for an inspiring educational meeting.
Participants of the conference receive a discount on accommodation at the Sound Garden Hotel. Alternatively, you can stay overnight at the Novotel Hotel, located across the street.
Yes, all lecture sessions will be recorded, and we will make the recordings available to participants after the event. We will implement the recordings in webinar standard. However, we will not be recording the workshops.
The conference is a whole and lasts for two days. You can, of course, attend one of them or skip an element, but this does not reduce the price of the ticket.
Of course not! The conference is open to anyone interested in language education at a high level of content and organization. It is not a product conference!
To register, fill out the form available on the website. After providing your data, you will receive an invoice from us, which must then be paid. Only payment of the invoice is a guarantee of a place at the conference.
It's a time of celebration together! We will honor Proud Users schools, adjudicate the "School for a Sustainable Future" competition, but most of all we will have a great time! Note: evening wear is mandatory!
Yes, just for the sake of native speakers, some of the lectures will be held in English! There will be an English-speaking lecture during each round. Also the workshops on the second day will be prepared in English.
Triple your teaching power!